During the last few months, my OCDS community has allowed me an experiment. From January through June, I am presenting scripture for Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina is one of the oldest methods of meditation. It has been written elsewhere that with the loss of Lectio Divina amongst the laity, and also the monasteries and convents, that the vitality of Christianity was lost. It is therefore incumbent upon us that we renew the vitality of the Church with this wonderful and ancient practice.
It is my intention to share with the readers of this blog the fruit of this experiment. The idea first germinated when I was presenting a talk to our Aspirants on Lectio Divina. Some of the writings I came across suggested that after a session in Lectio Divina that the individuals in the group then pray for the person to their right, and also for their intentions. This was a suggestion for a Dominican community, and I thought that it would be worth a try in our Secular Carmelite community, as its intention is to draw the group together. So far so good, our community is showing signs of drawing together in a way it never had before. Pray for us in this regard, that we continue this exercise and come together in a mighty way. I often think of our community as a 'powerhouse' of prayer. It is to this end that we pray for vocations in the world, and for priests.
Very soon, I will add to this blog my first entry for consideration.
God Bless You All!
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