April 2008 Lectio Divina
The Exodus was the founding event of the nation of Israel , and the story of the Exodus resounds again and again in the psalms. To understand the psalms one must read the book of Exodus. Exodus tells how the Hebrews were in slavery in Egypt , and God ‘remembered his covenant with Abraham’ (Exodus 2:24) and sent Moses to lead them out of bondage into the Promised Land. Pharaoh proved to be stubborn and he refused to let the people go, so the Lord sent a series of plagues on Egypt to persuade him to change his mind. The climax of these plagues was the death of all the first-born in Egypt . Pharaoh let the people go, but quickly changed his mind and pursued them with his army to the shores of the Sea of Reeds . The Lord parted the waters of the sea by means of a strong east wind (Exodus 14) and the Israelites crossed to safety, leaving the pursuing army of Pharaoh trapped in the mud, to be engulfed by the returning waters.
There were peals of thunder and flashes of lightning, dense cloud on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast; and, in the camp, all the people trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God; and they took their stand at the bottom of the mountain.
(Exodus 19:16~19).