We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.
Prayer Circle Intentions
Date: Thursday, August 1, 2002
Time: All Day
Remember to pray for the intentions of our Prayer Circle, and the intentions in Our Lady's Cyberspace Chapel. Please also
pray for the priests and seminarians posted to the following file folder:
- Thank you.
CHAPEL: http://home1.gte.net/lrodrigu/welcome.htm
URL to the LITURGY OF THE HOURS: http://www.liturgyhours.org/
Our CALENDAR GUIDE for the LITURGY OF THE HOURS gives all of the readings for the DIVINE OFFICE through the year 2010:
Check out our "BOOKMARKS" for Literary URL's of interest:
Go to "FILES" for GENERAL GUIDELINES for the DIVINE OFFICE/LITURGY OF THE HOURS, and other items of interest:
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